Parent Page: News id: 14023 Active Page: detailsid:14024

Abdul Rafeh Naqash, M.D., a hematologist-oncologist with OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, has been granted an Impact Award from the Hope Foundation for Cancer Research.

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OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center was the highest-enrolling site for a clinical trial that showed promising results for a new drug to treat mouth sores caused by radiation and chemotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer. The drug, called EC-18, is unique in that it is derived from a naturally occurring compound found in deer antlers.

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With Halloween right around the corner, it is time to consider steps to increase chances of a safe holiday. Each year, Poison Centers across the country manage numerous exposures involving Halloween-related substances and products.

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The University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, Oklahoma Dental Association, Oklahoma Dental Foundation and Henry Schein Dental will host the third annual Veteran’s Day Dental Clinic on Saturday, Nov. 12.

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